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《86天的69分钟》剧情介绍:  影片描述一个3岁的小女孩和她的家人从希腊难民中心到乌普萨拉的漫长旅程。在一群穿越海岸线的难民中,一个穿着蓬松外套,背着背包的的女孩即将开始她的旅程。她是影片的主角,她和家人的目的地是她的祖父在瑞典的家。通过与小女孩一起生活、跋涉,我们能明白到叙利亚难民在寻求美好的生活的过程中必须拥有多么巨大的勇气。影片描写了叙利亚危机的各种因素,揭示了难民家庭每天必须面对的身体和情绪的挑战。虽然小女孩可能不能够完全明白她所经历的事情,但她的努力和乐观如此耀眼,给大家带来了希望和勇气。  On a path littered with lifejackets, in the middle of a crowd of people on the run, a 3-year-old girl slowly emerges. Full of a child's energy and curiosity, carrying her little "Frost" backpack on her back, she takes in her surroundings between hundreds of adult trouser legs. She understands the gravity of the situation she and her family find themselves in, but filled with childlike wonder she continues her journey. For every step she takes, she emanates a longed-for feeling of hope. To Lean, it's a step closer to her grandfather in Sweden.。
86天的69分钟由导演埃吉尔·哈斯罗德·拉森,Egil H?skjold Larsen执导,2017年上映的电影,目前总点击 109次,是由西尔维斯特·史泰龙,塔莉娅·夏尔,波特·杨,卡尔·韦瑟斯,布里吉特·尼尔森,托尼·伯顿,迈克尔·帕塔奇,杜夫·龙格尔,Stu Nahan,R·J·亚当斯,Al Bandiero,多米尼克·巴托,Danial Brown,詹姆斯·布朗,Rose Mary Campos等主演。
